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AUDIO: Podcast Interview with Dr. Gillian Lockitch (30mins)

Oct 19, 2021

What is motivating the individual to get to the destination is a promise that life will all work out and they will feel good when they finally get there. I’m here to tell you that without doing the inner work — really doing the inner work — you’ll be chasing that for the rest of your life and never find it ‘out there.’ It’s an inside job and not that complicated. You just have to have the courage to do it. Shasheen Shah

In this episode, we discuss how emotional mastery through acknowledging your inner kid with love and compassion, can reignite your life

Psychologist Daniel Goleman writes that ‘By teaching people to tune in to their emotions with intelligence and to expand their circles of caring, we can transform organizations from the inside out and make a positive difference in our world.‘

In his work as a Consultant and Coach of high-achieving corporate professionals my guest today places equal value on the importance of emotional mastery in defining and attaining work and personal goals.

Shasheen Shah is the CEO of Coherent Strategies Consulting and Coaching. For more than 20 years, he has delivered breakthrough results to successful leaders around the world, navigating business outcomes and the personal challenges that go hand in hand with the journey. High-achieving professionals from Tesla, LinkedIn, Hewlett Packard, and IBM, are but a few who have benefited from Shasheen’s life-altering coaching skills.

In his powerful new book The Kid and the King. The Hidden Inner Struggle High Achievers Must Conquer to Reignite and Reengage with Life, Shasheen provides a foundational guide to help individuals achieve not only outstanding business results but create amazing personal lives as well.

Whether or not we are entrepreneurs or high-achieving corporate executives, each one of us is the CEO of our own lives. We have dreams and aspirations and we set goals and deadlines to achieve them. A healthy and happy life with healthy and happy family bonds is a destination to which most of us aspire but the roadmap we create for ourselves is too often winding, bumpy, and full of potholes. How we respond emotionally to the detours and the potholes holds the key to reaching our destination The 5 step Emotional Mastery Process that Shasheen introduces in his book can benefit us all.

Connect with Shasheen Shah to learn more about the Emotional Mastery Process (EMP) and order your copy of The Kid and The King : The Hidden Inner Struggle High Achievers Must Conquer to Reignite and Reengage with Life. at

Listen to Re-ignite and Re-engage Your Life with Shasheen Shah HERE or on my podcast page

Blog Post:

Dr. Gillian Lockitch's Book:  Growing Older, Living Younger


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